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Website positioning on search engines

   The Web today is the tool that allows reaching the highest number of users around the world, in every language, and through an increasing number of mobile devices. 95% of web users make use of search engines as a primary tool for finding information, and 53% of these users books or purchases online after an assessment of the offers found with the search.

Companies that rely also on the Web to generate contacts and acquire customers (directly or indirectly) must learn how to best take advantage of this communication too, now essential to achieve their own objectives, including website positioning on search engines in their media mix.

Our website positioning services

   What does it mean when people talk about SEO activity, search engine optimization, or even website positioning on search engines? Positioning is reaching an optimal visibility in the search results for desired keywords. It is possible to obtain it only thanks to a series of activities aimed at firmly positioning, and thus make those who search on a search engine using specific keywords/phrases find, web pages especially designed and built to present and propose in an interesting and attractive way a product, service, initiative, or brand.

   Ability Services is a Marketing and Communications agency specialized in search engine positioning since 1999 years and in more than 50 different languages. Our staff of experts in optimization and positioning on search engines will be able to support you by preparing a feasibility study for the positioning of your website on search engines for relevant keywords in over 50 languages.

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