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E-Mail Marketing

   E-mail Marketing is another Communication and Marketing tool offering immediate results, full traceability and high ROI, because it allows obtaining flows of qualified contacts (users truly interested in the products and/or services being promoted and that make use of this contact methods fully aware of it, in order to visit the proposed contents).

   Unfortunately, many think that an Email Marketing campaign is easy and many rely on a "do-it-yourself" approach or improvised "professionals", risking in the majority of the cases lawsuits for spam, heavy fines (today's Privacy Law sets both criminal and financial charges against those who make unauthorized used of email addresses without prior authorization of the recipient), or the deletion of the email sent as well as the black listing of the sender's email address on the Anti-Spam databases.

Our Email Marketing Services

   To organize an E-mail Marketing campaign we follow these steps:
- The analysis of the objectives and budget of the campaign, with a careful analysis of our client's website to identify the optimal approach to reach the desired objectives.
- The analysis of the client's needs to define contents and target audience (type of users and geographical areas where to act) related to the campaign
- the drafting of the email message, which will be sent to the client for approval.
- A research to find opt-in email addresses for the target audience. The mailing lists will not be bought as clear lists/address lists, but as a guaranteed service for sending emails to lists with specific characteristics.
- Preparation of landing pages on the destination website so that they are attractive and encourage visitors to perform the desired actions. The welcome pages will have an embedded tracking system to track the website visits (CTR) and views/openings of the original emails (OR).
- Activation and launch of the campaign on the agreed upon dates with simultaneous activation of mechanisms to monitor and track results and visitors' behavior to draw up detailed reports on traffic.

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